Command-line options

Static command-line configuration options.

The following command-line options are supported:

Name Type Default Since
--acme-check-period time 24h v0.9
--acme-election-id [namespace]/configmap-name acme-leader v0.9
--acme-fail-initial-duration time 5m v0.9
--acme-fail-max-duration time 8h v0.9
--acme-secret-key-name [namespace]/secret-name acme-private-key v0.9
--acme-server [true|false] false v0.9
--acme-token-configmap-name [namespace]/configmap-name acme-validation-tokens v0.9
--acme-track-tls-annotation [true|false] false v0.9
--allow-cross-namespace [true|false] false
--annotations-prefix prefix list without /, v0.8
--apiserver-host address of K8s API server
--backend-shards int 0 v0.11
--buckets-response-time float64 slice .0005,.001,.002,.005,.01 v0.10
--configmap namespace/configmapname
--controller-class suffix "" v0.12
--default-backend-service namespace/servicename haproxy’s 404 page
--default-ssl-certificate namespace/secretname fake, auto generated
--disable-api-warnings [true|false] false v0.12
--disable-config-keywords comma-separated list of keywords "" v0.10
--disable-external-name [true|false] false v0.10
--disable-pod-list [true|false] false v0.11
--election-id identifier ingress-controller-leader
--force-namespace-isolation [true|false] false
--health-check-path path /healthz
--healthz-addr tcp address :10254 v0.15
--healthz-port port number 10254
--ingress-class name haproxy
--ingress-class-precedence [true|false] false v0.13.5
--kubeconfig /path/to/kubeconfig in cluster config
--local-filesystem-prefix temporary base directory v0.14
--log-zap [true|false] false v0.14
--log-dev [true|false] false v0.14
--log-caller [true|false] false v0.14
--log-enable-stacktrace [true|false] false v0.14
--log-encoder encoder name json (prod), console (dev) v0.14
--log-encode-time encoder name rfc3339nano (prod), iso8601 (dev) v0.14
--master-socket socket path use embedded haproxy v0.12
--master-worker [true|false] false v0.14
--max-old-config-files num of files 0
--profiling [true|false] true
--publish-address list of hostname/IP v0.15
--publish-service namespace/servicename
--rate-limit-update uploads per second (float) 0.5
--reload-interval time 0 v0.13
--ready-check-path path /readyz v0.15
--reload-strategy [native|reusesocket] reusesocket
--report-node-internal-ip-address [true|false] false
--sort-backends [true|false] false
--shutdown-timeout time 25s v0.15
--sort-endpoints-by [endpoint|ip|name|random] endpoint v0.11
--enable-endpointslices-api [true|false] false v0.14
--stats-collect-processing-period time 500ms v0.10
--stop-handler [true|false] false v0.15
--sync-period time 10m
--tcp-services-configmap namespace/configmapname no tcp svc
--track-old-instances [true|false] false v0.14
--update-status [true|false] true
--update-status-on-shutdown [true|false] true
--v log level as integer 2
--validate-config [true|false] false
--verify-hostname [true|false] true
--version [true|false] false
--wait-before-shutdown seconds as integer 0 v0.8
--wait-before-update duration 200ms v0.11
--watch-gateway [true|false] false v0.13
--watch-ingress-without-class [true|false] false v0.12
--watch-namespace namespace all namespaces


Configures the acme server and other static options used to authorize and sign certificates against a server which implements the acme protocol, version 2.

Supported acme command-line options:

  • --acme-check-period: interval between checks for expiring certificates. Defaults to 24h.
  • --acme-election-id: deprecated on v0.15, use --election-id instead.
  • --acme-fail-initial-duration: the starting time to wait and retry after a failed authorization and sign process. Defaults to 5m.
  • --acme-fail-max-duration: the time between retries of failed authorization will exponentially grow up to the max duration time. Defaults to 8h.
  • --acme-secret-key-name: secret name used to store the client private key. Defaults to acme-private-key. A new key, hence a new client, is created if the secret does not exist.
  • --acme-server: mandatory, starts a local server used to answer challenges from the acme environment. This option should be provided on all haproxy-ingress instances to the certificate signing work properly.
  • --acme-token-configmap-name: the ConfigMap name used to store temporary tokens generated during the challenge. Defaults to acme-validation-tokens. Such tokens need to be stored in k8s because any haproxy-ingress instance might receive the request from the acme environment.
  • --acme-track-tls-annotation: defines if ingress objects with annotation "true" should also be tracked. Defaults to false.

See also:


  • --allow-cross-namespace

--allow-cross-namespace argument, if added, will allow reading secrets from one namespace to an ingress resource of another namespace. The default behavior is to deny such cross namespace reading. This adds a breaking change from v0.4 to v0.5 on annotation, where cross namespace reading were allowed without any configuration.

See also:


  • --annotations-prefix

Configures a comma-separated list of annotations prefix that the controller should look for when parsing services and ingress objects. The default value is, The default configuration means declare eg a SSL Redirect annotation with "true" or "true".

The order of the declaration is used to prioritize one of them if the same configuration key is declared twice - if two distinct prefix is used to configure the same key in the same ingress or service resource, the value of the annotation with the prefix that was configured first in this command-line option is used.

Annotations with other prefix or without any prefix are ignored. This allows to use HAProxy Ingress with other ingress controllers that shares ingress and service resources without conflicting each other.


  • --apiserver-host

Allows you to specify an explicit host for the Kubernetes API server, in the format of protocol://address:port, e.g., http://localhost:8080. If this value isn’t specified, the assumption is that the binary is running inside a Kubernetes cluster and local discovery will be attempted.


  • --backend-shards

Defines how many files should be used to configure the haproxy backends. The default value is 0 (zero) which uses one single file to configure the whole haproxy process. Values greater than 0 (zero) splits the backend configuration into separated files. Only files with changed backends are parsed and written to disk, reducing io and cpu usage on big clusters - about 1000 or more services.


  • --buckets-response-time

Configures the buckets of the histogram haproxyingress_haproxy_response_time_seconds, used to compute the response time of the haproxy’s admin socket. The response time unit is in seconds. The default value is .0005,.001,.002,.005,.01 (500µs, 1ms, 2ms, 5ms, 10ms) if not configured.


  • --configmap

The name of the ConfigMap that contains the custom configuration to use, in the format namespace/configmapname. Beware that in version 0.12 and below, an incorrect value here will silently fail. Version 0.13 and later will crash if the ConfigMap is unreadable or nonexistent.

See also:


  • --default-backend-service

Defines the namespace/servicename that should be used if the incoming request doesn’t match any hostname, or the requested path doesn’t match any location within the desired hostname. An internal 404 error page is used if not declared.


  • --default-ssl-certificate

Defines the namespace/secretname of the default certificate that should be used if ingress resources using TLS configuration doesn’t provide it’s own certificate. A filename prefixed with file:// can be used, containing both certificate and private key in PEM format, eg file:///dir/crt.pem.

A self-signed fake certificate is used if not declared, the secret or the file is not found.


  • --disable-api-warnings

Since v0.12.4

Disable warning logs sent from the API server. Most of the warnings are related with API deprecation. The default behavior is to log all API server warnings.


  • --disable-config-keywords

Since v0.10.9

Defines a comma-separated list of HAProxy keywords that should not be used on annotation based configuration snippets. Configuration snippets added as a global config does not follow this option. Use an asterisk * to disable configuration snippets using annotations.

Every keyword in the configuration will be compared with the first token of every configuration line, ignoring tabs and spaces. If a match occur, all the configuration snippet will be ignored and a warning is logged.

The default value is an empty string, enabling the configuration and accepting any HAProxy keyword.


  • --disable-external-name

Since v0.10.9

Services of type ExternalName uses DNS lookup to define the target server IP list. Declare --disable-external-name to disable a DNS based target IP list, refusing services of type ExternalName.


  • --disable-pod-list

Since v0.11, deprecated since v0.15

Disables in memory pod list and also pod watch for changes. Pod list and watch is used by the drain-support and assign-backend-server-id options, which will not work if pod list is disabled. Blue/green and session-cookie-value-strategy set to pod-uid also use pod list if enabled, otherwise k8s api is called if needed. The default value is false, which means pods will be watched and listed in memory. Since v0.15 all the listers are managed by controller-runtime, making this option deprecated.


  • --election-id

The ID to be used for electing ingress controller leader. A leader needs to be elected in the following use cases:

Election ID configuration has no efect if none of Ingress Status update, Embedded Acme signer, or Gateway API are enabled.

Since v0.15 a %s placeholder is used to define where the IngressClass value should be added to the election ID. Up to v0.14 the IngressClass was concatenated in the end of the provided value to compose the real election ID value. Ingress class is added to the election ID name to avoid conflict when two or more HAProxy Ingress controllers are running in the same cluster.

Election ID defaults to if not configured, which is rendered to if the IngressClass is not changed from the default value.


  • --force-namespace-isolation

Deprecated since v0.15

Whether to force namespace isolation. This flag is required to avoid the reference of secrets, configmaps or the default backend service located in a different namespace than specified in the flag --watch-namespace (which defaults to all namespaces, so you will probably want to set that flag, too). Since v0.15 isolation is controlled by the --allow-cross-namespace and --watch-namespace command-line options, making --force-namespace-isolation deprecated.

See also:

Ingress Class

More than one ingress controller is supported per Kubernetes cluster. These options allow to override the class of ingress resources that this instance of the controller should listen to. Classes that match will be used in the HAProxy configuration, other classes will be ignored. Ingress resources without class name and without class annotation is also ignored since v0.12, add the command-line option --watch-ingress-without-class to also listen to these ingress.

These options have a new behavior since v0.12, see the corresponding documentation if using an older controller version.

  • --ingress-class: defines the value of annotation this controller should listen to. The default value is haproxy if not declared.
  • --controller-class: by default, HAProxy Ingress will watch IngressClasses whose spec.controller name is All ingress resources that link to these IngressClasses will be added to the configuration. The --controller-class command-line option customizes the controller name, allowing to run more than one HAProxy Ingress in the same cluster. Configuring --controller-class=staging would listen to IngressClasses whose controller name is
  • --ingress-class-precedence: defines if IngressClass resource should take precedence over annotation if both are defined and conflicting.
  • --watch-ingress-without-class: defines if this controller should also listen to ingress resources that doesn’t declare neither the annotation nor the <ingress>.spec.ingressClassName field. The default since v0.12 is to ignore ingress without class annotation and class name.
  • --ignore-ingress-without-class: this option is ignored since v0.12. Use --watch-ingress-without-class instead.

See also:


  • --kubeconfig

Ingress controller will try to connect to the Kubernetes master using environment variables and a service account. This behavior can be changed using --kubeconfig argument that reference a kubeconfig file with master endpoint and credentials. This is a mandatory argument if the controller is deployed outside of the Kubernetes cluster.


  • --local-filesystem-prefix

Since v0.14

Enables HAProxy Ingress to run in local mode. Define --local-filesystem-prefix with a temporary directory HAProxy Ingress should create and maintain all the configuration files. Useful for local deployment. Start HAProxy Ingress in the root directory of the repository when using --local-filesystem-prefix, or simply use via make run.


Since v0.14

Logging configuration options.

  • --log-zap: Configures zap as the controller’s logger sink. klog output is used if not enabled. Most of the logging options need zap enabled.
  • --log-dev: Defines if development style logging should be used. Defaults to production. Needs --log-zap enabled.
  • --log-caller: Defines if the log output should add a reference of the caller with file name and line number. Defaults to not add. Needs --log-zap enabled.
  • --log-enable-stacktrace: Defines if error output should add stracktraces. Defaults to not add. Needs --log-zap enabled.
  • --log-encoder: Defines the log encoder. Options are: console or json. Defaults to json if --log-dev is disabled and console if --log-dev is enabled. Needs --log-zap enabled.
  • --log-encode-time: Configures the encode time used in the logs. Options are: rfc3339nano, rfc3339, iso8601, millis, nanos. Defaults to rfc3339nano if --log-dev is disabled and iso8601 if --log-dev is enabled. Needs --log-zap enabled.
  • --v: Number of the log level verbosity. 1: info; 2: add low verbosity debug. Defaults to 2.


  • --master-socket

Since v0.12

Configures HAProxy Ingress to use an external haproxy deployment in master-worker mode. This option receives the unix socket of the master CLI. The default value is an empty string, which will instruct the controller to start and manage the embedded haproxy instead of an external instance.

The following conditions should be satisfied in order to an external haproxy work properly:

  1. The following paths should be shared between HAProxy Ingress and the external haproxy: /etc/haproxy, /var/lib/haproxy, /var/run/haproxy. HAProxy Ingress must have write access to all of them, external haproxy should have write access to /var/run/haproxy. This can be made using a sidecar container and k8s’ emptyDir, or a remote file system provided that it updates synchronously and supports unix sockets
  2. Start the external haproxy with:
  • -S /var/run/haproxy/master.sock,mode,600. mode 600 isn’t mandatory but recommended;
  • -f /etc/haproxy
  1. HAProxy Ingress image has a --init command-line option which creates an initial valid configuration file, this allows the external haproxy to bootstraps successfully. This option can be used as an init container.

See also:


  • --master-worker

Since v0.14

Defines if haproxy should be configured in master-worker mode. If false, one single process is forked in the background. If true, a master process is started in the foreground and can be used to manage current and old worker processes. The default value is false in v0.14, which preserves historical behavior of HAProxy Ingress. v0.15 and newer defaults to true if not declared. External HAProxy deployment needs master-worker mode and will enforce --master-worker as true if configured.


  • --max-old-config-files

Everytime a configuration change need to update HAProxy, a configuration file is rewritten even if dynamic update is used. By default the same file is recreated and the old configuration is lost. Use --max-old-config-files to configure after how much files Ingress controller should start to remove old configuration files. If 0, the default value, a single haproxy.cfg is used.


  • --publish-address

Since v0.15

Defines a comma separated list of hostname or IP addresses that should be used to configure ingress status. This option cannot be used if --publish-service is configured.

See also:


  • --publish-service

Some infrastructure tools like external-DNS relay in the ingress status to created access routes to the services exposed with ingress object.

kind: Ingress
    - hostname: <ingressControllerLoadbalancerFQDN>

Use --publish-service=namespace/servicename to indicate the services fronting the ingress controller. The controller mirrors the address of this service’s endpoints to the load-balancer status of all Ingress objects it satisfies. This option cannot be used if --publish-address is configured.

See also:


  • --rate-limit-update

Use --rate-limit-update to change how much time to wait between two consecutive configuration updates. A configuration update is the process of read all enqueued Kubernetes events, reflect in the HAProxy model and immediately apply everything that does not need a reload, eg server certificate endpoint updates. Note that the first configuration update is always immediate, the delay will only prevent two or more consecutive updates in the same time frame - the second update will be enqueued and processed later, satisfying the rate limit configuration. Moreover, updates will only happen if Kubernetes reports changing events. The default value is 0.5 which means to wait two seconds between two consecutive configuration changes.

Up to v0.12 this was the only way to limit how often HAProxy would be reloaded, but this also prevents to dynamically update HAProxy as fast as possible. v0.13 adds --reload-interval, which allows a higher rate limit update with a lower rate of reloads.

See also --reload-interval.


  • --reload-interval

Since v0.13

Configures the minimal time between two consecutive HAProxy reloads. The default value is 0, which means to always reload HAProxy just after a configuration change requires a reload. The interval should be configured with a time suffix, e.g., 30s means that if two distinct and consecutive configuration changes enforce a reload, the second reload will be enqueued until 30 seconds have passed from the first one, applying every new configuration changes made between this interval.

Higher values help to limit the number of active instances and save some memory on large clusters with long connections. Note however that, if two consecutive updates require a reload, the second one will delay up to the configured duration to be reflected by HAProxy.


  • --reload-strategy

The --reload-strategy command-line argument is used to select which reload strategy HAProxy should use. The following options are available:

  • native: Uses native HAProxy reload option -sf.
  • reusesocket: (starting on v0.6) Uses HAProxy -x command-line option to pass the listening sockets between old and new HAProxy process, allowing hitless reloads. This is the default option since v0.8.
  • multibinder: (deprecated on v0.6) Uses GitHub’s multibinder. This link describes how it works.


  • --report-node-internal-ip-address

Sets whether the node’s IP address returned in the ingress status should be the node’s internal instead of the external IP address. Defaults to false. This option is ignored if either --publish-service or --publish-address are configured.

See also:


  • --shutdown-timeout

Defines the amount of time the controller should wait, after receiving a SIGINT or a SIGTERM, for all of its internal services to gracefully stop before shutting down the process. It starts to count after –wait-before-shutdown has been passed, if configured. Defaults to 25s.


  • --sort-backends

Defines if backend’s endpoints should be sorted by name. Since v0.8 the endpoints will stay in the same order found in the Kubernetes’ endpoint objects if --sort-backends is missing. This option has less precedence than --sort-endpoints-by if both are declared.

In v0.7 and older version, if --sort-backends is missing, HAProxy Ingress randomly shuffle endpoints on each reload in order to avoid requesting always the same backends just after haproxy reloads.

Sorting backends by name has a real effect only if using a distinct backend-server-naming option, because the default value builds the server name using a numeric sequence.

See also:


  • --sort-endpoints-by

Since v0.11

Defines in which order the endpoints of a backend should be sorted.

  • endpoint: this is the default value, uses the same order declared in the Kubernetes’ Endpoint objects. ep is an alias to endpoint
  • ip: sort endpoints by the IP and port of the destination server
  • name: sort the endpoints by the name given to the server, see also backend-server-naming
  • random: randomly shuffle the endpoints every time haproxy needs to be reloaded, this option avoids to always send requests to the same endpoints depending on the balancing algorithm


  • --enable-endpointslices-api

Since v0.14

Uses EndpointSlices API info, rather than Endpoints API, to fetch service endpoints info. By default it is disabled. EndpointSlices API was stablised from Kubernetes v1.21.


Configures an endpoint with statistics, debugging and health checks. The following URIs are provided:

  • /healthz: a healthz URI for the haproxy-ingress
  • /readyz: a readiness URI for the haproxy-ingress
  • /metrics: Prometheus compatible metrics exporter
  • /acme/check (POST): starts check for missing, expiring or outdated certificates controlled by acme client. Should be issued in the leader.
  • /debug/pprof: profiling tools
  • /build: build information - controller name, version, git commit hash and repository
  • /stop: stops haproxy-ingress controller


  • --health-check-path: Defines the URL to be used as a health check for haproxy ingress. Defaults to /healthz.
  • --health-addr: Defines the address haproxy-ingress should listen to. Defaults to :10254.
  • --healthz-port: (deprecated since v0.15) Defines the port number haproxy-ingress should listen to. Use --healthz-addr instead. Defaults to 10254.
  • --profiling: Configures if the profiling URI should be enabled. Defaults to true.
  • --ready-check-path: Defines the URL to be used as a readiness check for haproxy ingress. Defaults to /readyz.
  • --stats-collect-processing-period: Defines the interval between two consecutive readings of haproxy’s Idle_pct, used to generate haproxy_processing_seconds_total metric. haproxy updates Idle_pct every 500ms, which makes that the best configuration value, and it’s also the default if not configured. Values higher than 500ms will produce a less accurate collect. Change to 0 (zero) to disable this metric.
  • --stop-handler: Allows to stop the controller via a POST request to <host>:<healthzport>/stop endpoint. Default value is false.


  • --sync-period

Configures the default resync period of the Kubernetes client’s informer factory. Defaults to 10 minutes.


  • --tcp-services-configmap

Configure --tcp-services-configmap argument with namespace/configmapname resource with TCP services and ports that HAProxy should listen to. Use the HAProxy’s port number as the key of the ConfigMap.

The value of the ConfigMap entry is a colon separated list of the following arguments:

  1. <namespace>/<service-name>, mandatory, is the well known notation of the service that will receive incoming connections.
  2. <portnumber>, mandatory, is the port number the upstream service is listening - this is not related to the listening port of HAProxy.
  3. <in-proxy>, optional, should be defined as PROXY if HAProxy should expect requests using the PROXY protocol. Leave empty to not use PROXY protocol. This is usually used only if there is another load balancer in front of HAProxy which supports the PROXY protocol. PROXY protocol v1 and v2 are supported.
  4. <out-proxy>, optional, should be defined as PROXY or PROXY-V2 if the upstream service expect connections using the PROXY protocol v2. Use PROXY-V1 instead if the upstream service only support v1 protocol. Leave empty to connect without using the PROXY protocol.
  5. <namespace/secret-name>, optional, used to configure SSL/TLS over the TCP connection. Secret should have tls.crt and tls.key pair used on TLS handshake. Leave empty to not use ssl-offload. A filename prefixed with file:// can be used containing both certificate and private key in PEM format, eg file:///dir/crt.pem.
  6. <check-interval>, added in v0.10, optional and defaults to 2s, configures a TCP check interval. Declare - (one single dash) as the time to disable it. Valid time is a number and a mandatory suffix: us, ms, s, m, h or d.
  7. <namespace/secret-name>, added in v0.10, optional, used to configure SSL/TLS client verification over the TCP connection. Secret should have ca.crt and optional ca.crl. Leave empty to not use ssl client verification. A filename prefixed with file:// can be used containing the CA bundle in PEM format, and optionally followed by a comma and the filename with the crl, eg file:///dir/ca.pem or file:///dir/ca.pem,/dir/crl.pem.

Optional fields can be skipped using consecutive colons.

In the example below:

  "3306": "default/mysql:3306::::-"
  "5432": "default/pgsql:5432::::1s"
  "8000": "system-prod/http:8000::PROXY-V1"
  "9900": "system-prod/admin:9900:PROXY::system-prod/tcp-9900"
  "9990": "system-prod/admin:9999::PROXY-V2"
  "9995": "system-prod/admin:9900:::system-prod/tcp-9995::system-prod/tcp-9995-ca"
  "9999": "system-prod/admin:9999:PROXY:PROXY"

HAProxy will listen 7 new ports:

  • 3306 will proxy to a mysql service on default namespace. Check interval is disabled.
  • 5432 will proxy to a pgsql service on default namespace. Check interval is defined to run on every second.
  • 8000 will proxy to http service, port 8000, on the system-prod namespace. The upstream service will expect connections using the PROXY protocol but it only supports v1.
  • 9900 will proxy to admin service, port 9900, on the system-prod namespace. Clients should connect using the PROXY protocol v1 or v2. Upcoming connections should be encrypted, HAProxy will ssl-offload data using crt/key provided by system-prod/tcp-9900 secret.
  • 9990 and 9999 will proxy to the same admin service and 9999 port and the upstream service will expect connections using the PROXY protocol v2. The HAProxy frontend, however, will only expect PROXY protocol v1 or v2 on it’s port 9999.
  • 9995 will proxy to admin service, port 9900, on the system-prod namespace. Upcoming connections should be encrypted, HAProxy will ssl-offload data using crt/key provided by system-prod/tcp-9995 secret. Furthermore, clients must present a certificate that will be valid under the certificate authority (and optional certificate revocation list) provided in the system-prod/tcp-9995-ca secret.

Note: Check interval was added in v0.10 and defaults to 2s. All declared services has check interval enabled, except 3306 which disabled it.

See also:


  • --track-old-instances

Since v0.14

Creates an internal list of connections to old HAProxy instances. These connections are used to read or send data to stopping instances, which is usually serving long lived connections like TCP services or websockets.

Enabling this option will make old HAProxy instances to not stop before timeout-stop timeout, even if all the remaining sessions finish, so only enable it if using a feature that requests it.

See also:


  • --update-status

Indicates whether the ingress controller should update the status attribute of all the Ingress resources that this controller is tracking. The default value is true. Ingress status is updated with the external IPs of the ingress endpoints, and these IPs can be generated on distinct ways:

  • Configuring --publish-service with a Kubernetes service resource name fronting the ingress controller pods
  • Configuring --publish-address with hostname and/or IP addresses of ingress hosts/pods
  • Node IP where ingress controllers are running are used if neither --publish-service nor --publish-address are configured. Node’s External IP is used by default, add --report-node-internal-ip-address to use internal IP instead.

When enabled, --update-status enforces a leader election. A leader must be elected to update Ingress API. See also --election-id.

See also:


  • --update-status-on-shutdown

Indicates whether the ingress controller should update the status attribute of all the Ingress resources that this controller is tracking when the controller is being stopped. Defaults to true.

See also:


  • --validate-config

Determines whether the resulting configuration files should be validated when a dynamic update was applied. Default value is false, which means the validation will only happen when HAProxy needs to be reloaded.

If validation fails, HAProxy Ingress will log the error and set the metric haproxyingress_update_success to zero, indicating failure.


  • --verify-hostname

Ingress resources has spec/tls[]/secretName attribute to override the default X509 certificate. As a default behavior the certificates are validated against the hostname in order to match the SAN extension or CN (CN only up to v0.4). Invalid certificates, ie certificates which doesn’t match the hostname are discarded and a warning is logged into the ingress controller logging.

Use --verify-hostname=false argument to bypass this validation. If used, HAProxy will provide the certificate declared in the secretName ignoring if the certificate is or is not valid.


  • --version

Show release information about the ingress controller.


  • --wait-before-shutdown

If argument --wait-before-shutdown is defined, controller will wait defined time in seconds before it starts shutting down components when SIGTERM was received. By default, it’s 0, which means the controller starts shutting down itself right after signal was sent.


  • --wait-before-update

Since v0.11

Defines the amount of time to wait before start a reconciliation event and update haproxy. The purpose of this delay is to group all the notifications of a batch update and apply pending changes in one single shot. The default value is 200ms.


  • --watch-gateway

Since v0.13

Enables Gateway API watch and parse. This option is enabled by default since v0.14 and controller will start the listener only if the Gateway API CRDs are found. Add --watch-gateway=false option to instruct the controller to not try to listen to the CRDs. The controller should be restarted if the CRDs are installed after starting the controller. See also the Gateway API configuration doc.

When enabled, --watch-gateway enforces a leader election. A leader must be elected to update Gateway API status. See also --election-id.


  • --watch-namespace

By default the proxy will be configured using all namespaces from the Kubernetes cluster. Use --watch-namespace with the name of a namespace to watch and build the configuration of a single namespace.

Last modified June 11, 2024: update docsy from v0.6.0 to v0.10.0 (232de55a)