
Demonstrate how to configure blue/green deployment, with and without header or cookie selection.

This example demonstrates how to configure blue/green deployment on HAProxy Ingress controller, in order to route requests based on distict weight on deployment groups as well as selecting a group based on http header or cookie value.


This document has the following prerequisite:

Deploying applications

In order to the configuration have effect, at least two deployments, or daemon sets, or replication controllers should be used with at least two pairs of label name/value.

The following instructions create two deployment objects using run label as the service selector and group label as the blue/green deployment selector:

$ kubectl run blue \
  --image=jcmoraisjr/whoami \
  --port=8000 --labels=run=bluegreen,group=blue
deployment "blue" created

$ kubectl run green \
  --image=jcmoraisjr/whoami \
  --port=8000 --labels=run=bluegreen,group=green
deployment "green" created

Certify that the pods are running and have the correct labels. Note that both group and run labels were applied:

$ kubectl get pod -lrun=bluegreen --show-labels
NAME                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       LABELS
blue-79c9b67d5b-5hd2r    1/1       Running   0          35s       group=blue,pod-template-hash=3575623816,run=bluegreen
green-7546d648c4-p7pmz   1/1       Running   0          28s       group=green,pod-template-hash=3102820470,run=bluegreen


Create a service that bind both deployments together using the run label. The expose command need a deployment object, take anyone, we will override it’s selector:

$ kubectl expose deploy blue --name bluegreen --selector=run=bluegreen
service "bluegreen" exposed

$ kubectl get svc bluegreen -otemplate --template '{{.spec.selector}}'

Check also the endpoints, it should list both blue and green pods:

$ kubectl get ep bluegreen
NAME         ENDPOINTS                           AGE
bluegreen,   2m

$ kubectl get pod -lrun=bluegreen -owide
NAME                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP            NODE
blue-79c9b67d5b-5hd2r    1/1       Running   0          2m
green-7546d648c4-p7pmz   1/1       Running   0          2m

Configure the ingress resource. No need to change the host below, is fine:

$ kubectl create -f - <<EOF
kind: Ingress
  annotations: roundrobin group=blue=1,group=green=1 pod "false"
  name: bluegreen
  - host:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: bluegreen
              number: 8000
$ kubectl get ing
NAME        HOSTS                   ADDRESS   PORTS     AGE
bluegreen             80        11s

Test blue/green balance

Lets test! The following snippets use an alias hareq declared below. Change IP to your HAProxy Ingress controller IP address:

$ IP=
$ alias hareq='echo Running 100 requests...; for i in `seq 1 100`; do
    curl -fsS $IP -H "Host:" | cut -d- -f1
  done | sort | uniq -c'
  • BG Mode: pod
  • BG Balance: blue=1, green=1
  • Replicas: blue=1, green=1

    $ hareq
    Running 100 requests...
    50 blue
    50 green

Now changing green replicas to 3 and wait all the replicas to be running. BG Mode is pod, so the number of replicas will increase the load of the green deployment.

$ kubectl scale deploy green --replicas=3
$ kubectl get pod -w
  • BG Mode: pod
  • BG Balance: blue=1, green=1
  • Replicas: blue=1, green=3

    $ hareq
    Running 100 requests...
    25 blue
    75 green

Changing to deploy mode. This mode targets the balance config to the whole deployment instead of single pods.

Note: BG mode was added on v0.7. On v0.6, the only supported mode is pod.

$ kubectl annotate --overwrite ingress bluegreen \
  • BG Mode: deploy
  • BG Balance: blue=1, green=1
  • Replicas: blue=1, green=3

    $ hareq
    Running 100 requests...
    50 blue
    50 green

Changing now the balance to 13 blue and 23 green:

$ kubectl annotate --overwrite ingress bluegreen \,group=green=2
  • BG Mode: deploy
  • BG Balance: blue=1, green=2
  • Replicas: blue=1, green=3

    $ hareq
    Running 100 requests...
    33 blue
    67 green

The balance will be the same despite the number of replicas:

$ kubectl scale deploy green --replicas=6
$ kubectl get pod -w
  • BG Mode: deploy
  • BG Balance: blue=1, green=2
  • Replicas: blue=1, green=6

    $ hareq
    Running 100 requests...
    33 blue
    67 green

Test blue/green selector

Blue/green selector requires HAProxy Ingress controller v0.9 or above.

Follow the deployment and configuration instructions to deploy the sample application.

After that, add the following annotation:

$ kubectl annotate --overwrite ingress bluegreen \

Create (or update) the hareq alias. Change IP to your HAProxy Ingress controller IP address:

$ IP=
$ alias hareq='echo Running 100 requests...; for i in `seq 1 100`; do
    curl -fsS $IP -H "Host:" -H "X-Server: $GROUP" | cut -d- -f1
  done | sort | uniq -c'

Choose blue group:

$ GROUP=blue

The envvar GROUP will populate the X-Server header with the value blue.

Run the requests:

$ hareq
Running 100 requests...
 100 blue

Choose green group:

$ GROUP=blue
$ hareq
Running 100 requests...
 100 green

Choose an invalid group, the configured blue/green balance will be used:

$ kubectl annotate --overwrite ingress bluegreen \,group=green=3
$ GROUP=invalid
$ hareq
Running 100 requests...
  25 blue
  75 green